Why do we have a Code of Conduct?
CMPC respects and values all the people with whom we interact as human beings subject to dignity, be they workers, contractors, suppliers, customers, neighbors of our facilities or shareholders. We value teamwork and good relationships in the workplace, based on respect.

See Code of Conduct
Empresas CMPC bases its operations on a strong culture of responsibility and excellence, based on a tradition of more than 100 years. It manifests itself in a strong commitment to principles and values that set its course, guiding relationships and daily decisions

For CMPC, excellence in management includes the honest, responsible and loyal conduct of each collaborator in the chain of business. We are convinced that ethical conduct favors relationships of trust and credibility with our relevant audiences. In this sense, ethics is a fundamental part of our business strategy, based on building solid and honest business relationships, which contribute to the growth of the Company, its workers and society.

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CMPC values and respects the legal regulations that govern its activities. All directors, executives and workers are committed to strict compliance with current legislation in all aspects involved in the development of their businesses. This commitment includes adherence to all national and international norms and regulations, applicable to the operations and transactions carried out by the different subsidiaries of CMPC.

Our company has a Prevention Model aimed at preventing the commission of crimes related to bribery, bribery, money laundering, terrorist financing and acts of corruption. The Prevention Model identifies both habitual and sporadic activities of the Company, in which context the risk of committing the aforementioned crimes can be generated or increased, implementing actions and mechanisms to prevent their occurrence. The Model is generally applicable to the entire Company and is available on the CMPC website, entering Business Ethics, then Prevention Model.
CMPC values sustainable development, promoting care for the environment and natural resources so as not to affect future generations. Directors, executives and workers are committed to respecting the environment and carry out their work in accordance with legal regulations and market standards. These aspects are regulated in CMPC's Environmental Policy. Our company safeguards the sustainable development of its processes through the generation of renewable energy from biomass, the careful and efficient consumption of water and raw materials, the use of recycled fibers and the certified management of its renewable forest plantations.

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