How to become a Supplier?
If you are interested in becoming a CMPC supplier, we recommend that you review the content in this section.
At CMPC we generate essential products for people's lives, for which we are divided mainly into three business areas. We invite you to learn a little more about our company, so that you too can be part of our fiber.

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One of the fundamental pillars of CMPC is to ensure transparency in the relationship with our Suppliers, for this we generate frequent reviews and monitoring of our processes that involve us. Since we interact with various companies such as suppliers of goods, services, carriers, SMEs, startups, local suppliers, we request documents according to their nature, which are oriented towards 3 evaluation approaches:

a) Security and health at work: Mutual certificate where the frequency and accident rate of the last 12 moving months is observed.

b) Financial statements: Debt Certificate of the General Treasury of the Republic of Chile, Compliance with Labor Obligations and company debt declarations.

c) Compliance.

Each applicant for a new Supplier is evaluated according to the different characteristics it has according to the type of good and/or service it offers, if it generates income for our industrial centers, approximate future billing, among others, always ensuring good practices. , compliance with legal regulations in each of the countries where we operate, in order to guarantee operational continuity and ensure a prosperous relationship with each Supplier.


Our supplier creation process is done through Ariba SLP.

If you want to be part of our fiber, enter the following link:

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If you have any questions or queries, please send it to any of our communication channels:

Consultation Email:

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